Judy Baker loves writing her western novels, but when inspired by her grandmother, she started writing contemporary romantic suspense as Anna Sugg. Her contemporary novels are filled with mystery, secrets, murder, love, and ghosts. Most of all her novels have a touch of paranormal. Anna didn’t stop there, her Christmas series will warm your heart.
Several years ago I visited my mother's hometown, Clarksville Tennessee, and while there I decided to take a drive to Yellow Creek, which is a little over twenty miles from Clarksville. My grandparents had a farm in Yellow Creek and I spent much of my youth running around the farm, chasing chickens, swinging on the front porch while the summer rains poured down on the tin roof of the old farmhouse, and trekking through the woods while following the creek upstream, or skinny- dipping in the creek. Every Christmas we shoved our way through the snow to look for the perfect Christmas tree for Dad to cut down.
I have many, many memories of the Yellow Creek farm. To make a long story short, I was inspired by my grandmother's memories to write a story, hence, Secret Past. I love Yellow Creek and could visualize the farmhouse built anew. Please take a look at the video of Secret Past. You'll see a picture of the old dilapidated farmhouse and the lady standing by the old Ford is actually my mother.
Both the second Yellow Creek novel, Ghost Thunder and the third book, Spirit Catcher are available now. I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed writing them.
Both the second Yellow Creek novel, Ghost Thunder and the third book, Spirit Catcher are available now. I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed writing them.